Interview: Christina Nørdam Andersen @cirkeline

This week’s profile is with Danish photographer Christina Nørdam Andersen (@cirkeline). While she’s a relative new-comer to the world of photography, her keen eye for subject and intense contrasts have made her an Instagram phenom with over 45k followers in just a matter of months. 

When you’re not doing photography, you are…

Job hunting, seeking inspiration, taking long walks (which might involve photography), running and spending time with friends.

How did you originally get into photography? What was your first camera?

I got into photography when I downloaded the app Instagram on my new iPhone last autumn and until now I exclusively photograph with the iPhone camera. I find the iPhone camera handy and discreet, which is very appropriate for street photography.

Which other photographers have influenced your work (IG or other)?

Being new to photography I embrace all the inspiration I can get whether it be from following other IGers work or researching famous photographers such as the master of candid photography Henri Bresson-Cartier and the newly discovered street photographer Vivian Maier. I admire the work of Danish painter Vilhelm Hammershoi, who is known for his poetic low-key portraits.

IG is a constant source of inspiration in itself and there are an incredible number of talented photographers on there. Recently I found the amazing works of

  • Brandon Barr @texturl
  • Dominique Jost @nique88888
  • Giovanni Savino @magneticart
  • Tony @kungfuroll
  • JongSun Park @adl2enaline
  • Akbar Makrati @shutdagizm
  • Greg Briggs @gregbriggs
  • Dimitris Karathanos @dimitriskarathanos
  • Dan Cristea @konstruktivist
  • Koci Hernandez @koci
  • Prio @priotography

…to mention a few. Since the beginning of my photographical journey I am particularly inspired by Thomas Ka @thomas_k, Eros Sana @eros_sana, Gary Bebout @clayking and Jason @jasfran.

How would you describe your style in three words?

Focused, subtle, candid

If your portfolio had a soundtrack, it would be…

Perhaps Yann Tiersen’s Amélie Original Soundtrack which displays a subtlety. I like to portray what I see on the street through my emotions.

How many photos do you shoot on an average day? 

It varies greatly. I can go days without shooting a photo although I tend to think in photographic terms all the time. On average I guess I shoot about 5-10 photos a day.

What is a photo technique or rule that your regularly follow (or constantly break)

“Whatever works.”

What’s the one iPhone photo app you can’t live without?

Noir app, which I use for converting my photos into high definition black and white.

What else is in your camera bag?

Numerous apps, but the ones that I tend to use the most are in random order: Photo Fx, almost DSLR, Iris, Camera+, Focusoid, Lo-Mob, Filterstorm, Scratchcam and CrossProcess.

What aspects of photography are challenging for you?

For me photography is all about capturing the natural light and living in Copenhagen, Denmark the sunshiny days are quite rare. On the plus side when the light is here it is beautiful and casts long shadows. Other challenges are to keep rediscovering my surroundings through my lens and to remind myself that photography is about having fun and playing with it.

How do you pick your subjects?

I pay attention to the little things in everyday life, which is what I find the most beautiful.  It could be a shadow that an object casts or the way a sunray falls on a street scene. Also I like to play with scale.

Within Reach by @cirkeline (c)

Pick one of your favorites from your portfolio and tell us the backstory.  

My photo “Within reach” was one of my first photos, I was stunned by the tree’s shadow on the wall. I walk past here every single day and observe how the changing seasons alter the scene. I look forward to shooting it with snow.

If you could shoot any other locale in the world, where would it be, and why?

As I adore street photography, I would love to go New York City to observe and shoot. I have an idea that I would like to carry out; to portray stillness and quiet contrasting a busy city.

If someone told you, “I want to take photos like @cirkeline,” how would you respond? What tips would you give them if they wanted to emulate  your style?

I would like to quote J.R.R. Tolkien “ There is nothing like looking if you want to find something”. It’s all in the observation and to pay attention to detail whatever it is that catches your eye.

On a practical level keep your camera ready to shoot when walking down the street.

Any other secret talents we should know about?

I can type really fast.

Pick an IG’er with fewer than 500 followers that you think deserves a look from the community.

Check out the talented Bobby Anwar @bobbyanwar, whose stream is diverse and includes some wonderful street photography into which he has clearly put his heart.

Thanks Christina! (and thanks for turning us on to the Amélie soundtrack - it's a peach :-)

2 Comments on “Interview: Christina Nørdam Andersen @cirkeline”

  1. Christina says:

    And thanks to you Keepsy for having me 🙂

  2. Vitakot says:

    Like this interview!
    Congrats, Christina!

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